One of the most surreal moments of 2013 so far has to be when I was sitting at my desk and looking at my copy of May Cause Miracles and a personal email in my inbox from Gabby Bernstein at the same time. Mind blown. Who is lady I adore? Read Gabby’s bio here. In … (Read More)
Enlightenment 101
Inspiration: Underneath It All, You Are Absolutely Perfect #blissedin
It’s just your body. It’s just your job. It’s just your past. It’s not who you are. You are perfect. Just remove the layers of doubt. CLICK HERE to tweet this to someone who needs to hear it. xo SUBSCRIBE to BEXLIFE for weekly bliss notes! Let’s chat some more on Facebook. Follow my tweets … (Read More)
#askBexLife Q&A: Is Crying During Yoga or Meditation Normal? What Happens When We Challenge Our Minds & Bodies to Push Past Boundaries
Q: IS MEDITATING AFTER A WORKOUT A GOOD IDEA? I SAW A GIRL CRYING DURING MEDITATION TODAY. IS THAT NORMAL? A: So many people neglect allowing themselves a transition time between intense activities, but even something as simple as a little quiet transition time in the car is so beneficial for the mind and body. … (Read More)
Inspiration: Having the Body You Want Starts with Loving the Body You Have #blissedin
Today, I am completely in love with my body. It’s the same body I had yesterday, but yesterday didn’t feel the same. Today, I fed my body delicious healthy food and took it outside for some fresh air. Then, I took it to the gym and did lots of work to make it stronger. After … (Read More)
Kris Carr Interview: You Have 4 Minutes with the Wellness Superstar, Filmmaker & New York Times Best-Selling Author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Before I tell you about how incredibly exciting it was to meet New York Times best-selling author and wellness activist Kris Carr and interview her for my new “You Have 4 Minutes With…” YouTube series, I have to tell you what a wonderful stroke of luck it was that I totally messed up the focus … (Read More)
Help Me Win A Scholarship To Marie Forleo’s B-School & Make 2013 The Most Blissed In Year EVER!!
At the beginning of every new year, I write some pretty lofty goals in my dream book. So far this practice has proven to be pretty effective. Of course there’s all the showing up and working hard and following through that goes along with turning dreams into reality, but I think the first step is … (Read More)
Meditation for Forgiveness & Letting Go of Anger – Meditation Tutorial for Beginners (Video)
Holding on tightly to anger, not allowing yourself to forgive, can be a toxic as any junk food you ingest or chemical that your put on your skin. Negative feelings that we decide to foster rather than release can become part of us on a cellular level. They pollute not only our thoughts, but also … (Read More)
My Meditation for the Haters, Bullies and Spirit Crushers In Your Life – Meditation Tutorial for Beginners (Video)
What if all the people who ever said anything mean or hateful or ugly about you could be completely silenced with just a thought? What if their words held no weight? No influence? What if no one could make you feel anything that you didn’t want to? Let’s imagine for a moment that everything I … (Read More)
Meditation for Students & My First Week of Yoga Photos for GrowSoulBeautiful #YogaADay #blissedin #YH4M
So January is about trying new things. Something that you may not know about me is that while I love trying new things, I absolutely hate changing my usual routine, my environment, or anything about what I like to do every day. Unfortunately, this also includes some long held beliefs. But what is that? It’s … (Read More)