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Yummy Monday: Fat Free Vegan Dessert

It’s cold. It’s dark. It’s Monday. I’m totally bummed and treating myself with some dessert for breakfast as a bad mood fix. As it is, this broiled citrus-cranberry-apple treat is vegan and totally fat free. If you’re serving this after dinner and you want to add a little yum factor, you can serve it a … (Read More)

Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 6

It’s another incredible Sunday in South Jersey. I feel so energized by the crispness in the air and the endless blue skies. I look forward to the dying season as a time to slow down, regroup, and prepare to begin again. Over the winter I’ll continue my yoga studies, and come spring I’ll have my … (Read More)

I’m In Love With…

Shobha rosewater freshening cloths! I’ve been using these swoon-worthy scented wipes almost daily since I was introduced to them while teaching at Strala Yoga in NYC. They are perfect for after waxing/sugaring/workout/yoga class/sweaty activity. I keep them in my bag at all times, because yes, I can get stinky during a good sweat sesh. I … (Read More)

Yummy Monday: Take A Hike & Bring Snacks

I cannot even contain the excitement I’m feeling over this amazing fall weather. It seems like we get short-changed year after year and it turns from summer to winter without even a hint of that crisp fall awesomeness I remember from growing up. Fall 2011 is completely making up for previous years’ disappointments. Since getting … (Read More)

Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 5

Ahhh, this is my first weekend completely free from yoga. It’s not that I’m celebrating being free from yoga chains (that’s silly), it’s just that the chaos that surrounds me being away from the house and the baby for nearly 8 hours is a little overwhelming. Baby Summer is still adjusting to Daddy and Big-Sister … (Read More)

Haters vs. Celebrators

Oh my gosh, wow! The response to my “Haters Be Hatin’” video has been pretty overwhelming and incredible. I try to tell you guys how much I love you in every video, but today I can’t say it enough! You. Are. Awesome! I made my “Haters” video in response to a video Sarah Dussault (@DietSarah … (Read More)

Love Notes

“Bex is a beautiful soul who inspires me daily to live a blissed life”

Rachel DeAlto

relationship expert and TV personality

“Bex is a real life superhero and shows us how we can do it, too.”

Tara Stiles

best-selling author and founder of Strala Yoga

“Bex teaches us how to embrace our past, to accept and love ourselves, and to create our future with zest, zen, and laughter.”

Melissa Kathryn

weight loss & lifestyle expert