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Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 10

There is an order to the Universe that works. It may not always feel that way, but the Universe and all of its processes are perfect. And we, as a creation of that Universe, are perfect. We get glimpses of our own perfection all the time – in moments of joy, when we overcome a … (Read More)

Let’s Be Friends Friday: Beauty Giveaway & Winona’s Back!

If you watch my videos or read my blog regularly, you know that I’m trying to shed my tomboy ways and upgrade to “glamorous lady” status. So far, so *meh*. I’m definitely taking much better care of my skin (I’m not using body lotion on my face anymore), and I’ve been making attempts to only … (Read More)

Yummy Monday: Raw For Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and you love everything about the menu… well, except that most of it doesn’t fit into your “new-awesome-you” diet plan. Is it possible to swap out some traditional sides for a raw recipe? Totally! I found this ultra-easy raw “mashed potatoes” recipe on EatRawVegan.com. Try it, share it, and let me … (Read More)

Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 9

Holy Sanskrit. Like, as an expression and then quite literally… HOLY SANSKRIT! For three hours on Tuesday night and six long-but-incredibly-exciting hours yesterday, we attempted to swim in the ocean of Sanskrit. And I felt like I was drowning. Ninety-nine percent of my confusion was the result of me just psyching myself out. I walked … (Read More)

My Raw Food Diet Guru: Michael Perrine

There are not enough words to express how amazing I think Michael (I call him Mike) Perrine is. He’s been my good friend and diet guru for nearly 15 years and has inspired me in so many huge ways. Mike advised me on my first juicer purchase 13 years ago and gave me my first … (Read More)

YouTube Next Trainer: The Big Announcement!

I already made my “OMG I’m a YouTube Next Trainer” announcement in my Work It Out Wednesday video (check it out for a chance to win some cool BexLife merch!), but I want to share the rest of the winners with you along with the official announcement from YouTube featuring the always spectacular Sarah Dussault… … (Read More)

Love Notes

“Bex is a beautiful soul who inspires me daily to live a blissed life”

Rachel DeAlto

relationship expert and TV personality

“Bex is a real life superhero and shows us how we can do it, too.”

Tara Stiles

best-selling author and founder of Strala Yoga

“Bex teaches us how to embrace our past, to accept and love ourselves, and to create our future with zest, zen, and laughter.”

Melissa Kathryn

weight loss & lifestyle expert