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New Series: Watch My Butt Get Kicked!

Ok people, I can’t tell a lie. Since I had this baby, I got LAZY! Alright, that’s a lie. I didn’t get lazy – I’ve been working like a maniac on getting my yoga alliance cert, blogging, making videos, taking care of my family – but I have made my personal fitness a very low … (Read More)

Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 12

“When offerings are made in worship, with or without proper knowledge, I shall receive them gladly.” – The Devimahatmya 12:11 Ok, I accept the invitation. From YogaJournal.com: Isvara Pranidhana (Surrendering to God) Patanjali defines “isvara” as “Lord,” and the word “pranidhana” conveys the sense of “throwing down” or “giving up.” Thus, isvara pranidhana can be … (Read More)

Let’s Be Friends Friday: Veggie Kids Giveaway & New Projects

Today’s “Let’s Be Friends Friday” blog marks the 15th full week of my BexLifeTv video series on YouTube, and yes, it completely wiped me out! When I started the series, I had no idea I would be doing another yoga teacher training, that I would enter and WIN a spot in YouTube’s Next Trainer program, … (Read More)

Yummy Monday: Summer-Approved Raw Carrot Soup

I’m the first to admit that I’m no great talent in the kitchen. You’d think the facts that I like to eat so much and have a big family to feed would have made me a better cook, but not so much. I also live in a pretty small town with little access to exotic … (Read More)

My New Bexy Invention: Yoga Burpees!

You can thank the folks from the YouTube Next Trainer program for giving me some extra homework over the Thanksgiving break… more work for me, more workOUT for you. Let me know how you like it! xo Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube On my body: my YouTube Next Trainer track jacket The Compression … (Read More)

Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 11

I don’t have many words about yoga this weekend. Thanksgiving is a time to be with those we love and express gratitude for our many blessings, so I’m directing my efforts toward being with friends and family instead of burying myself in work and blogging. My Thanksgiving kicked-off in a packed yoga class at Yogawood … (Read More)

Let’s Be Friends Friday: Food, Fat, Family… Fun? And WINNERS!

I’m not even going to pretend that the holidays don’t stress me out like crazy. Between explaining to my family over and over again why I’m not eating all the crazy processed fattening foods and convincing them that vegetarianism is not an eating disorder, I’m completely exhausted at holiday gatherings. Then there’s the shopping, the … (Read More)

Work It Out Wednesday: Thinner Thighs For Thanksgiving

Ok, so I can’t really promise you that you’ll have slimmer, stronger thighs in 24 hours (I’m just a junkie for holiday-themed video titles this season), but I can promise that you’ll have them in time to ring in the New Year in an inappropriately short mini if you stick with this workout. For maximum … (Read More)

Yummy Monday: To Be Or Not To Be… Organic?

I am not rich. Don’t worry! I’m not packing up and moving my family and chickens into a van by the river, but I’m definitely not rolling up on the fancy foods section at Whole Foods making it rain dollar bills all over the organic imported cheese logs. However, I’m also a mom who wants … (Read More)

Love Notes

“Bex is a beautiful soul who inspires me daily to live a blissed life”

Rachel DeAlto

relationship expert and TV personality

“Bex is a real life superhero and shows us how we can do it, too.”

Tara Stiles

best-selling author and founder of Strala Yoga

“Bex teaches us how to embrace our past, to accept and love ourselves, and to create our future with zest, zen, and laughter.”

Melissa Kathryn

weight loss & lifestyle expert