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Bexy Tips & Tricks: Nopalea Drink for Post-Workout

I know a lot of you are starting 2012 with lots of brand new workout goals, and if you’re a beginner you’ll probably suffer from a bit of pain from muscle inflammation. OMG, after my Jungle Gym Workout with Trainer Daryl, my arms were killing me for DAYS!! I hadn’t worked my upper body like … (Read More)

Working Out Sucks: Book Review & Giveaway

So this is what’s up. I have a book to review and a few more copies to give to you guys. Chuck Runyon, CEO and Co-Founder of Anytime Fitness (@anytimefitness on Twitter) says that his new book Working Out Sucks is “the only 21-day kick-start plan for health and fitness you’ll ever need”. I read … (Read More)

Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 15

I haven’t done even a bit of yoga this week… not in class, not at home. And if you visit my site regularly, you might have noticed that I didn’t post my T.O.Y. blog last week. It was Xmas and I was spending all my time enjoying family and none of my time worrying about … (Read More)

Let’s Be Friends Friday: Fitness Lonnie Slept Here!

It was almost two years ago that I saw my first Fitness Lonnie video, and I was hooked immediately. He’s a total fitness genius… a very full-of-himself-but-ultimately-well-intentioned genius. I love him, and you’ll love him, too. Since he posted that first video on YouTube, he’s become an elite CrossFit athlete, he’s traveled the country doing … (Read More)

How To Do Pushups: Bonus Video!

While editing my New Year’s Jumpstart Workout, I found some footage of Trainer Daryl showing me a better way to teach a pushup modification (please don’t call these “lady pushups”). If you’re new to pushups and haven’t quite worked up the strength to do them in proper form, try this method (and let me know … (Read More)

Work It Out Wednesday: 2011 Is Just So… 2011

2011 rocked so hard, it took me forever to think of resolutions that could possibly make 2012 better. Just to recap – my business is blowing up, we’re buying our dream house/farm/property, I won a YouTube Next Trainer spot, I’m kickin’ it with my new peeps at FitFluential, I’m doing my yoga teacher training, and … (Read More)

Love Notes

“Bex is a beautiful soul who inspires me daily to live a blissed life”

Rachel DeAlto

relationship expert and TV personality

“Bex is a real life superhero and shows us how we can do it, too.”

Tara Stiles

best-selling author and founder of Strala Yoga

“Bex teaches us how to embrace our past, to accept and love ourselves, and to create our future with zest, zen, and laughter.”

Melissa Kathryn

weight loss & lifestyle expert