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I HAVE BIG NEWS: Let’s Be Friends Friday

You have no idea how hard it is for me to keep my own secrets. I’m like a child. For four days now, I’ve been bouncing off the walls waiting for confirmation, and today I can finally share my very big exciting news. If I wasn’t committing myself to shooting a new video every day, I would have totally shared with you yesterday, but I have to stretch my video time out. I can’t blow it all in one day.

However, I did freak out after my first singing lesson yesterday and rushed over to my Facebook page to share my excitement in an exclusive video for my Facebook and twitter pals. Like I said – I’m a child.

she’s teaching me how to breathe. just like yoga!

And yes, I’m taking singing lessons. Natalie Ferraro from LoveNati.com and Ninja Betty & the Nunchix has accepted the role as my teacher. She gets to experience me in my full class-clown glory, complete with nervous laughter, constant joking and complaints of belly-aches. Poor Nati.

Soooo, I hinted at my big news in Wednesday’s post with a sad-face photo of me on a tiny death plane in Belize. I’m not exaggerating. I actually thought I was going to die when we all had to start shifting weight to keep the plane from crashing. Ok ok, enough of death and belly-ache talk, here’s my news!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

Exciting, right?

In other news, I have signed up Team BexLife in the NJ Color Run that is happening in my hood on September 1, and I WANT YOU TO RUN WITH ME! Besides the awesome perk of hanging out with the famous and totally rad Mr. Borucki, you’ll save $5 on your registration for signing up as a team runner. I just ran in Philadelphia with the kids and my #1 BexLifer, Marcela, and we had an absolute blast (click here for my recap).

with Marcela after our triumphant effort

All you have to do is sign up the NJ Color Run website as a team runner, pick team BexLife from the list, and enter the password blissedin to secure your spot. Hurry up! These spots sell-out super fast.

So that’s all I have for you today. If you haven’t been following my #FitVEDA vlogs, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR? I’ve been blah-blah-blah’ing for days about everything from fat jokes & bullying to black people doing yoga (yep, it’s true) to my debilitating coffee addiction (Day 12 – woo hoo!!). I even exposed my grocery list and revealed that I eat … wait for it … FROZEN PIZZA! GASP!!

Please clicky-clicky on the stuff in BOLD:
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Follow my tweets @GirlRucki and say “Hello!”
Let me tumble for you and see my pics on Instagram!

PS – I’d like to send a very exuberant HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my pal Lindsay at LindsaysList.co. She wrote an amazingly beautiful letter to her 30-year-old body today… a MUST READ! xo

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