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How He Lost Weight Fast & Will He Keep It Off… Let’s Be Friends Friday

Even though Justin has two more days left of his program (today and tomorrow), we’re doing the final wrap up a little early because of his business trip to Brazil. By the end of the tenth day, he’ll be landing in São Paulo, Brazil, and I’ll be praying that he’s [1] safe and [2] not eating 10 pounds of barbecue and guzzling South American wine by the jug.

Catch up with his journey: Day 1 & The 4 Pounds in 4 Days Update

Even though there were definitely a couple rough spots along the way (mostly involving the workouts), I think this little project of ours was a great success. The truth is that this was never about the weight. It was about his health. He struggled a lot through some of the workouts, and that showed us both that he has some work to do to get to where he wants to be in terms of fitness. As far as looks or weight goes, I’m happy with him at any size or shape. But if we can’t enjoy being active together, then that excludes a huge part of my life that I want to experience with him. I think we both want a partner who we can share fun experiences with… for a very long time.

Get your own copy of 10 Pounds in 10 Days by Jackie Warner

In addition to this being our final Jackie Warner 10 Pounds in 10 Days wrap up review, it’s also one of my notorious “throw-everything-into-one-blog-and-make-it-a-list-post” posts. My 34th birthday is coming up on the 18th, so I feel entitled to ask you for a bunch of favors (and #gimmegimme presents, if you feel so inclined… yes, I’ve been hashtagging my birthday wish list on Amazon.com – there’s no shame in my birthday game).

I’m also sharing my birthday celebration with you by hosting a HUGE giveaway on the 16th. I’m calling it the Ultimate Bexy Birthday Bag Giveaway and it involves a big bag STUFFED with all my favorite goodies. Mondetta Performance Gear, the official BEXLIFE™ apparel sponsor for Fitbloggin’, is contributing a $75 gift card, and that’s just ONE of the goodies inside!

I love video days when I get to nerd out with gear.

my messy messy workstation

I’m also talking about my favorite new snack of the week from 22DaysNutrition.com. This is totally un-sponsored love… they  taste amazing and are full of yummy vegan, organic and raw ingredients. It’s superfood that’s super tasty (that’s my own Bex-o-pinion).

Watch our wrap-up, please leave encouraging comments for Justin that he can read out loud to me with self-satisfied delight, and remember to tweet him @JustinBorucki throughout the week to remind him to stick to his new conscious eating plan and not drown himself in Brazilian debauchery and booze!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
10 Pounds in 10 Days by Jackie Warner

Please CLICK TO TWEET this blog to your friends: How he lost weight FAST… https://www.bexlife.com/?p=5112 via @GirlRucki #FitFluential

And here’s the detailed list of all the stuff you have to do because it’s my BIRTHDAY MONTH!!

1. Gimme Gimme – I swear a lot of people have asked where they can send me stuff, and the truth is that I’m kind of addicted to getting mail. It’s my favorite thing in the whole wide world. So I went out at got a PO Box (I can’t have a bunch of yogi freeloaders showing up on my front porch, now can I? You know how THOSE people can be…):

Rebekah Borucki
PO Box 210
New Egypt, NJ 08533

2. Bia Sport still needs your help – for my birthday, I’d also like you to consider supporting my pals at Bia Sport. It’s actually a pretty sweet deal if you decide to contribute. There are all kinds of freebies, discounts and perks to be had in exchange for your generosity. Check out my post with the founders by clicking here or skip all that jazz and donate here.

3. Make my friend a cover model!! – My pal Dorothy kicks ass. She’s a mother-of-3, a marathoner, a published author and – oh yeah – she’s hot. She wants to be on the cover of Women’s Running magazine, and I think this is something that needs to happen for her. There’s no annoying registration or violating of your privacy or social media accounts. All you have to do is go to this link and vote for Dorothy. That’s it. And you will make one of my big birthday wishes come true. Ahem… what are you waiting for?

BLOG LOVE: A couple bloggers that I have a lot of love for have featured me in posts this week and I’m kind of amped on it. Heidi Henry, the resident BEXLIFE™ vegan triathlete featured me on her Vegans & Eggs blog this week at BananaBuzzbomb.com (it is my destiny to be forever associated with chicken menstruation). She lists a lot of little-known facts about eggs and egg-production and tells us what “free-range” and “cage-free” really means.

And then Emily Sanford from SkinnyEmmie.com went ahead and made me *blush* with her shout out to me on her blog on Gym-timidation. I’m a big fan of hers, and this made me super happy. She even posted my I’m Too Skinny For the Gym video. Thanks, Emmie!!

… and an award for Bex?? Healthy Living Blogs (@bloghealthy) made me their #HLBFitSpotlight for the week. Um, woah, that’s pretty rad. They’ve been blowing up my spot all week long and sharing love for my videos all over the twitternet. Thanks!!

SPECIAL BIRTHDAY TWEET REQUEST: Please click to tweet this message to Meghan Tonjes: Dear @meghantonjes – you should make a workout video with @GirlRucki for her bday!! 34 is a sad face year. #FitRomance #BexLife

That is all!! See you on Monday with a giveaway from NatureBox!! Wish me luck on my Color Run 5k with all four kids on Sunday. I’ll be instagramming pics!

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