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Raw Vegan No-Bake Dessert Balls Recipe: Yummy Monday w/ Mike Perrine – Raw Food Detox Diet

As usual, it’s been a crazy, busy, tiring, amazing and inspiring week around here. I haven’t talked about it much on video or on Facebook, but we’ve lost a couple more chickens to predators. Making the transition to real country living has been a challenging and sometimes heartbreaking ordeal. Luckily, I have the awesome Mr. Borucki as my partner-in-farming, and he is taking charge of the situation by building a brand new enclosure for our girls.

Justin’s very advanced architectural rendering of the new coop

Summer “helping” her daddy build the coop in the garage

I’ve also been hard at work on new video projects, including a special workout for StyleMeFit. I’ve been part of the network for a couple months now, and I’m so excited to be in a group with such amazing fitness YouTubers. My friend in real life and fellow StyleMeFit member, Cassey Ho, sent me one of her brand new tanks and I’m wearing it in the video. “TRAIN INSANE or remain the same” is printed on the front… how kickass is THAT?!

Get over to Blogilates.com for your own tank!

But the best part of my weekend was getting to visit my BYFF (best yogi friend forever), Yulady, for the first time since she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is still recovering from her double mastectomy, but is the same ray of sunshine and total riot that she was before. Thanks to all of you who have sent thoughts and prayers and love notes for Yulady. I brought her a little present (I’m terrible at wrapping, but great at decorating envelopes). See more from us after this week’s recipe video!

I think the twine is pretty epic ;)

So now that I told you about a whole bunch of stuff that has absolutely NOTHING to do with raw vegan recipes for detoxing, here’s my newest video with Mike Perrine. We’re changing it up and bringing you some dessert sweetness that you’re going to LOVE! We love your feedback, so keep it coming in the comments section. Enjoy!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
recipe copyright 2010 Organic Ideas, LLC

More from Mike & Me on YouTube:
Healthy is Sexy w/ Mike: Part 1
Healthy is Sexy w/ Mike: Part 2
Healthy is Sexy w/ Mike: Part 3
Raw Food Fears & Concerns
Raw Food & Weight Loss
Mike Gives Me a Colonic (not graphic)
Chat About Raw Food Cures & Acne
Vegan Salad Dressing Recipe
Vanilla Walnut Milk How-To
Vegan ‘Date Night’ Recipe
Green Smoothie Detox Recipe
Vegan Basil Salad Dressing Recipe

Vegan Almond Goji Dessert Balls

– 2 C Almonds
– 1 C Pitted Dates
– 1 C Goji Berries
– 1 scraped out Vanilla Bean or ½ t vanilla extract
– pinch of salt
– 1/4 C Raw Cacao Nibs

1. Place almonds into a food processor and grind into a coarse powder.
2. Add Dates, Goji Berries, Vanilla bean scrapings, and sea salt and process until it comes together into a cookie dough consistency.
3. Press out into a tray or roll out between two sheets of parchment paper and allow to set up in the freezer for a few hours or over night.
4. When set, cut into bars and store in the freezer.

My inspiration board pic of the day:

Yulady reminds me that when life gives you lemons,
add some sweetness and make lemonade.

Check out her latest video about her journey with breast cancer (she and Jerry even let me join in… probably a mistake on their part):

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