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It’s Planting Time on Borucki Farm!! : Yummy Monday

First Yummy Monday on BORUCKI FARM!!! It feels like an eternity since I made a BexLifeTV video, but in reality it’s only been a week. I’d like to say that I was spending the week enjoying our new home, but the truth is that I’ve been busier than ever! I was in NYC last Monday shooting a Style Up 2 Shape Up video with Bianca Jade of MizzFit.com and then went right back to NYC on Wednesday to shoot two more episodes of Rock Your Yoga with Sadie Nardini. The in-between days were spent unpacking, cleaning, organizing, shopping (hooray for Target and Pottery Barn!!), and taking care of all the regular business of family life.

Summer also starred in my style makeover video with Bianca Jade

The property is simply magical. Justin and I are falling in love with it over and over again every time we look out our windows, and we truly feel like the richest people on the planet. Please don’t pinch me if I’m dreaming. (And please don’t try to burst my bubble by telling me that wild turkeys don’t like to cuddle.)

I’m getting completely addicted to Instagram, so you must follow me there for photo updates on the house and chickens and TV shoots and everything else bananas that’s going on. I’ll be snapping tons of shots at the Fitness Magazine event on Wednesday and even more when I visit Reebok headquarters in Boston as their guest on Friday! (#RBKFITBLOG on Twitter)

behind the scenes. click here for Justin’s tumblr photos of Borucki Farm.

I’m also going to continue to take you outside for our workouts and I’m bringing back some yoga routines this week just in time for a special guest post on LindsaysList.co Tuesday Trainer (tomorrow) and an AWESOME giveaway on Wednesday courtesy of Plank (you will LOVE this yoga mat).

still shot from my video for LindsaysList.co – pants by Victoria Keen

Because I was off last week, I didn’t have a chance to reveal my Foodie Pen Pals package with the rest of the 600 members of the club, so I’m sharing it in all its yummy awesomeness now…

I loved everything in my box! For info on how to join for FREE, click here.

For the next several weeks, Yummy Monday will feature lots of chicken updates (including a trip to pick up new baby chicks) and tips for starting your own small organic garden. This week I’m telling you just one reason it’s so great to grow your own food. Please remember to leave a comment… I love hearing from you!! xo

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

PS – Remember to subscribe to Bianca Jade’s YouTube – MizzFitVideo – and watch for our video coming out this month! Thank you to Jack Rabbit Sports NYC for the amazing outfit… I got to wear it on Rock Your Yoga!

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