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Girl Fight Club: Let’s Be Friends Friday

I’ve always wanted to start a real fight club. Or maybe I just want to hang out with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. (OMG, I love them so much!)

When Sarah Dussault invited me to try out the new DVD workout system that she’s STARRING IN (woot!!) and issued a challenge to Jill Hanner and me to see who could last the longest in one of the workouts, I was AMPED!

I love girl fights!! Ok, we’re not really fighting, but I’m definitely down for some friendly competition – especially when sweat and spandex is involved.

So here’s the deal… We’re each doing the Cardio Core 4×4 DVD from the JCORE Accelerated Body Transformation DVD workout system. Sarah was the “modifier” on the DVD, so we’re all supposed to do the advanced version and see how long we can hang until we drop down to the modifier adjustments. Mr. Borucki was cool enough to try out the DVD with me. Have a looksie… it gets a little, well, raw.

I’m also issuing a special week-long challenge for my sexy peeps! Do the challenge and get a special gift from yours truly, because I LOVE YOU!!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
Click here for directions on how to post a video response

On my body: Eagles raglan tee
Kohl’s TekGear Yoga booty shorts
Sparkly Soul thin headband in Silver
running shoes by New Balance
Workout at home: The Human Trainer and JCORE

Be sure to check out my girls!
Sarah’s Fab Channel by Sarah Dussault
– Sarah’s NOT Lame attempt for our challenge
– Jill Hanner on YouTube
– Jill’s Workout FAIL

I had so much fun doing this video with my fellow YouTube fitness friends/smokin’ hot #FitFluential Ambassadors. You ladies rock!!

And if you want a totally effective workout that requires minimal space and NO EQUIPMENT, you have to pick up the JCORE DVDs. I’m not usually one to workout to videos (go figure), but the hubster and I will definitely be adding these workouts into our routine.

PS – Have you seen the new Bex Life boy beater limited edition tanks?? They’re available for pre-order now! Like always, the sale from every tank will benefit one of my favorite charities. Just added SlowFood.com to the list!

PPS – Sarah looks crazy amazing on the DVD. Check out the behind the scenes video she made.

If wouldn’t be LBF Friday without a shoutout to an super chill blogger pal. Charlotte from WildThingsRunFree.com is adorable and fun and training for a half marathon (which intimidates the hell out of me). What phrase motivates Charlotte? “More powerful than the will to win, is the courage to begin!” Werd.

Read her blog, be awestruck by her race schedule, and follow her on twitter @Char__Latte. xo

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