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Crow Pose to Tripod Headstand: Lindsay’s List Tuesday Trainer

Some things about my relationship with the Universe that are true:

– If I never try anything new, I’m not growing.
– If I don’t accept that today is perfect and the Universe is perfect, then I’ll always be aspiring to attain a made-up idea of perfect.
– If I can’t see the beauty in the mistakes – the trials – the bumps – the wobbles, then I’m missing out on 99% of the journey.
– If I only show you my good side, I’m only showing you half the story.

Let’s continue to inspire each other through our real life stories… even the ones where we fall too hard on our heads

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: Old Navy superhero raglan tee
booty shorts by Victoria Keen


Thank you to Lindsay for showcasing another BEXLIFE™ video on her Tuesday Trainer series. This week’s theme is animal-inspired moves, so I automatically went to yoga. Tri-pod headstand (Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A) doesn’t have an animal name, so I’m calling it “ostrich (in the sand)”. I kind of dig ostriches – they’re tall and goofy like me. Watch the Kinetic Vigilantes do it up, too!

My challenge for you this week? Try something new and SCARY!

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