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Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 11

I don’t have many words about yoga this weekend. Thanksgiving is a time to be with those we love and express gratitude for our many blessings, so I’m directing my efforts toward being with friends and family instead of burying myself in work and blogging.

My Thanksgiving kicked-off in a packed yoga class at Yogawood with my buddy, Renee, and fellow teacher trainee, “J”. After an amazing super-back-bendy-sun-salutation-belly-ringing class, I rushed home to prepare for a house full of family.

I’m amped on yoga ;)

Now I’m just lazing about this weekend, trying to enjoy the weather and my family and not stress too much about the insanely busy days and weeks ahead. So this week’s blog is going to be simple. It’s about how grateful I am for yoga.

I’ve made friends, formed lifelong bonds, been a part of exciting projects, and during my teacher training with Tara Stiles celebrated a birthday and a new pregnancy. I’ve had the opportunity to take instruction from amazing teachers like Tao Porchon-Lynch and to teach the most incredible students during my time at Strala. It’s been a blissful roller coaster ride.

I’m also so grateful that Tara had us journal our experience with yoga during that first teacher training, because now I have this video record of my growth… from my first ho-hum experience at my local gym to my Yoga Alliance certification I’m going through now.

I posted one of my favorite journal videos below along with playlist links to all my journals and a silly little series I did while working at Strala called “Yoga & The Modern Girl”.

Watch my entire Yoga Diary playlist on YouTube
My “Yoga & the Modern Girl” series for the Strala Yoga blog

If you practice yoga, what has it done for you? How has your life changed because of your yoga practice?

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