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My First House Blog

We’re in contract on our new house! I was hesitant to start posting much about the house before we actually settled, but what the heck. I can’t let past disappointments stop me from being excited about future plans. We’re still crossing our fingers that the transaction goes smoothly, but I couldn’t wait to share the new place with all of you.

It wasn’t easy to find the perfect property. We need land, and lots of it. We have no tolerance for a fixer-upper, but we don’t want new construction. Our chickens (and future animals) have to be welcome. Justin wants water nearby, we both want a fireplace and a finished basement, and then there’s the business of finding all this in New Jersey without paying 25k a year in property taxes. Oofah! But we found it!!

The house sits on nearly 8 acres at the end of a 500 ft driveway. There’s a state park and lake to the rear of the property which gives the boys more than enough room to run and play and build forts. I get a giant garden complete with deer fence (yes, we have deer, wild turkeys, foxes, geese, ducks, and lots of other forest creatures running around). It’s everything we’ve been looking for.

We don’t own it yet, so I’m not posting interior video or photos. Here’s a little tour of the property that we shot during our home inspection. Wish us luck! xo

That’s Old Crow Medicine Show playing “Wagon Wheel” in the video. That was the song our wedding band played when Justin and I walked down the aisle… ♥

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