After four days in quarantine inside the house, Daisy Chicken seems to be in recovery. I’ve been observing her closely, and it appears that she’s favoring one of her legs, leading me to believe she may have suffered a minor leg injury that kept her from eating and drinking, worsening her health and causing her to become lethargic.

Justin introduces Daisy to our cat, Chloe, for the first time
During her time in quarantine, I treated her with baby vitamins, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Pedialyte, and mashed hard-boiled eggs, and allowed her to take short breaks out in the yard away from the other chicks. After a full day of eating and drinking on her own, she seemed well enough to return to the coop with her chick buddies. She’s moving around well {just a little wobbly at times}, and she’s eating and drinking and interacting nicely with the other chicks. I’m going to monitor Daisy over the next several days and continue her vitamin regimen until she seems fully recovered.
Here’s a couple videos of Daisy {the little black and white chick} during her first moments back in the coop. Add to my resume: Chick Nurse.
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