Just another one of my summer experiments… This entry is really part fitness diary and part garden update. In the process of making the transition to a vegetarian and more raw-heavy diet, I’m learning so much about inexpensive, healthy, and EASY things I can do at home to make the switch less difficult. So we planted a vegetable garden, started building a chicken coop, and today my “Sprout Garden” arrived on our doorstep.
I corralled the two boys, read the directions that came with the kit, and set up the “garden” in the kitchen with their help. The first step is soaking the seeds for 6-8 hours in water before draining them and placing them in the plastic sprouter trays. I will be checking on them every 15 minutes like an impatient psycho.

The glass jar you see in the photo is a homemade sprouter made out of a mason jar we had in the basement, the rim of a canner lid, and a leftover piece of porch screen. I’m curious to see how this set-up compares to my pricier Sprout Garden. I’m sure it will work wonderfully, and I will maintain my gold medal record as an over-zealous consumer of everything plastic and stackable.

Everything you see here {with exception of the mason jar} was purchased from Wheatgrasskits.com, but I’m sure you can find supplies at your local health food store and save on the shipping and jet fuel.

I’m super excited to see how this turns out and am hoping this isn’t a total disaster. If all goes well, I’ll have some delicious organic alfalfa, broccoli, and radish sprouts in 3 or 4 days. Fingers crossed! {Click on any image to be directed to my sprout garden Facebook album}.
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