My two sons from a previous marriage, Calvin-9 and Jack-5, started a heavy metal band a little over a year ago and have been hard at work writing music and realizing their rock dream.

photo by Justin Borucki
They were asked recently to be guests on a local live comedy show that’s done in a talk-show format, “Mid-Evenings With Jay Miller”. {Google it… I don’t have a direct link for it}.

SnakeBite performing on “Mid-Evenings”

Justin, me, and Calvin & Jack’s dad, David, watching the show
The boys rocked so hard and even got press in the Staten Island Advance and on
“M&Ms are dropping all over the floor on the set of Jay Miller’s talk show. The candies were a backstage request from his last guests, 5-year-old Jack Platt and his 9-year-old brother, Calvin, aka the heavy metal band Snake Bite.
“Mid-Evenings with Jay Miller,” filmed in the back room of Martini Red, a low-lit Stapleton bar, can not claim a legit green room. So the host busts out the candy on stage after the brothers deliver a killer version of their would-be hit, “Through the Blood.”
“What were the lyrics?” he asks the boys with all earnestness.
“Oh no I can’t! Oh yes, I can! Through the blood!” answers Jack, reaching for a handful of M&Ms.
Miller, in a suit and tie behind a desk similar to Letterman’s, nods in approval. The audience eats it up: Roars of laughter erupt from the 75 viewers who have crammed into the “studio,” and from the overflow crowd of 50 watching the show on a monitor in the bar’s main room.”
Read the full article by clicking here.
Here are the two videos that were posted on
We’ll post the full, professionally shot and edited show as soon as it’s available online.
For more information on SnakeBite, you can find them at and their Facebook group.
Mama is proud!!
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