Sometimes, despite all our fabulousness and brilliance, we are a little behind on the learning curve of life. For example, it took me several pints of dried apricots to realize that my belly does not do well with {read: violently rejects} dried apricots, and it took Justin and me 30+ years to figure out how effing ridiculous and fun a family night out at Chuck E. Cheese can be!
I don’t know what the initial prompt was to take the kids out to this place of greasy pizza and funnery, but it was obviously the universe’s way of punching our thick skulls with its giant fun fist.

Justin and his bottomless cup of Coke Zero
The kids can run free, and we can partake in deliciously disgusting pizza and play video games {that we can actually win}… and all on the cheap! I can’t believe my snobbery of manufactured indoor fun has kept me away from this gem for so long.

Jack during a brief moment of adult supervision.
This new found love for Mr. Cheese and his genius food/gaming combo has prompted us to start a new series of entries on our blog where we will travel to different Chuck E. Cheese establishments throughout our region and review them {for our pleasure}.

game tickets for dinosaurs… and the battle that ensued
Our favorite Chuck E. Cheese indulgence is the one-token miracle sketching booth. Justin remarked that some of his favorite pictures of us were taken in this booth.

Look! He even signed it for us!!
Review: Chuck E. Cheese, Route 541, Burlington, NJ 08016
[next to the Burlington Center Mall]
We recommend visiting this Chuck E. Cheese during the early afternoon weekday hours [Monday-Thursday] to avoid crowds and greasy O.P.Children. If you follow this advice, you’ll find this particular Chuck E. Cheese clean, well-stocked with prizes, and clear of excessive noise and birthday parties. The staff is always well-mannered and helpful, and this location offers a good variety of games for both younger and older kids. Most games and rides also give tickets to trade for prizes [not offered in every Chuck E. Cheese].
Boruckimeter of Chuck E. Cheese Experiences

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