Yes, it’s true. Justin and I really do spend nearly 24 hours a day together, but miraculously so, it’s works for us. Yesterday was another fun day at work for us together. He got busy taking pictures of Rev Run and his family for MTV, and I ran around with my big purple notebook and wrangled assistants.

I’m so lucky to have someone I can work with and play with and have just as much fun doing both. It’s also great to be able to support him in his career while moving forward on my own career path. However, I have recently re-activated my New Jersey real estate license to see if I can’t make some more $$ on the side in this crazy economy. I love the hustle of the photo business, but I’m actually starting to miss the high heels, the office, and the Tuesday morning donuts. I’m sure I’ll get over it soon enough :)
You have too many blogs. Why can’t you put all this into one?
you are living the dream, bex…part of a team…smart girls like us deserve nothing less…justin is super lucky.
I couldn’t agree more with you on this. When two people really belong together and enjoy each other’s company, working together comes naturally. Just slap on a pair of high heels for shits and gigs and grab a dozen on the way;)
we were at his cousin's 30th b day! <3
You guys are too cool!