Married life: one month in. Justin and I are still in the process of slowly combining household “stuffs” and making the transition to one-state living. We think we’ve found the renters for his Brooklyn coop {our weekend pied-à-terre and place to pretend we’re still young and fabulous and responsibility-free}, providing much needed financial relief in this crazy economy. Carrying two mortgages does not a happy couple make, but I am constantly reminding myself that we are among the lucky ones… while many are fearing loss of their only home, we are fortunate to have the complaint of having too many homes to keep us warm and dry.

The past 31 days have been so exciting and challenging at the same time. Justin and I didn’t “officially” live together before we were married, so his things were in his space and my things were in my space, all in spite of the fact that WE were always in the same place. Up until very recently, we still had our sites set on moving into a new home… unfortunately, the housing market hasn’t cooperated. While living in my house, even if only temporarily, takes certain emotional tolls on both of us, we realize it is what’s best for the kids and for us financially. However, I didn’t realize how serious my anxiety about change and moving in together was until his cardboard boxes started to come open, depositing his belongings all over my {now our} home-decorated, organized, and “situated” completely by me.

Compromise comes so easy for him while I tend to almost gnaw completely through my tongue with every decision. Pictures are being moved and re-framed, new books are going on the shelves, old books are being stored away. Nearly half my wardrobe went packed away neatly with the Vietnam Veterans Charity truck last week to make room for Justin’s incoming stock of cowboy shirts and Levi’s. Justin is elated by the progress. I’m keeping a bottle of wine handy in the fridge for the blood pressure spikes.

But, as I’m sitting here looking around my newly-decorated-but-mostly-just-tweaked living room, I’m so happy with what I see… his things and my things blended seamlessly on the same bookshelves, our decorated cigar boxes hanging together on the wall where mine used to hang alone, his portrait of the kids and me in my old favorite frame, and a wedding gift from my uncle sitting on an old table Justin found in the garbage in Brooklyn that is now sporting a vintage glass knob I found on eBay years before I knew him. Oh, and the best surprise of all is how well our cats are getting on with each other! Chloe and Teddy have finally become friends and all is right in the world.

This marriage of our “things” and “stuffs” all makes me feel very satisfied. And relaxed. Finally.
this is my favorite blog yet…the reality of it all…the logistics of love.