Well, it’s been some time since my last post. Justin and I are getting all settled into married life… moving his stuff from his place in Brooklyn to my house in Jersey, opening up joint bank accounts, doing the name change paperwork, working, playing, and enjoying the married life.
We’ve also started a new side-project in addition to his music/commercial photography business. The new business will focus mainly on wedding-related and family photography, and will offer an alternative to the same old photos you’re used to seeing. I designed and launched the website recently, and we’re already having a good response. I’m very excited about the prospect of growing the private part of our business and meeting new couples and families.

Check it out… we hope you like it! I’ll be posting here less frequently for a while, but will be back with a slightly new format that will keep everyone updated on all our family news and goings on.
We also made most of our Flickr albums and collections private, but you may still use the information we gave you at the wedding to log-in and view/upload photos. Shoot me an email if you need that log-in info again.
let’s get you in with the Nanny agency’s…mine is nice…but there are some that cater to uber rich…and getting in with those families is hotness…also let’s get you in with some private rich schools like Hilda Hughes…