A slow economy and a passion for craftin’ has inspired us to get into all kinds of new trouble around the house. I bought Justin a complete home beer-brewing kit as one of his wedding presents, and last night he decided to crack it open and give it a go. I won’t go into all the complicated and smelly stages of Day 1 of the brewing process, but you can click on the photo of Justin below to view our “Borucki Brewery” photo album on Flickr.

The whole brewing set-up + specialty beer ingredients and caps for a 5 gallon batch + bottles only cost about $150 at a store called Rubino’s located inside Columbus Farmer’s Market {located about 10 minutes from our house in Jersey}.

Justin also ordered ink jet vinyl bottle labels online {about $60 for 800}. After the initial set-up costs, you can make about 5 gallons of beer for about $30 if you reuse the bottles. I can’t tell you how excited Justin is about this. Something tells me this summer is going to be a very lazy one. We’ll be sure to invite you all out for some barbecue on the our new red grill [thanks, Mom!} and a tasting of our Borucki Brew.

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