I don’t want to be a supermodel {ok, I don’t want to be a supermodel, but I could handle looking like one for a bit}. I have officially given up on my “10 pounds in 60 days” weight loss goal because the truth is that I really like my shape and I really like my clothes and my dresses {and because the harder I work, the harder I get, and that’s even better than a size 4}. So I just want to be active and feel better and have sexy abs that don’t get “pouchy” every time I too much sushi.
Today, with twenty-one ridiculously short days left until I am Mrs. Borucki, I had the super-fun opportunity to be my girlfriend, Natalie’s, guest at Bootcamp Fitnesss NYC. I’ve never done a bootcamp-style workout and I was totally nervous that I wouldn’t be able to hang. And the truth is that it kicked my little runner’s ass. I had forgotten what it’s really like to push myself to my limit, and I almost hit that limit today. The workout was intense, but the group was really positive… good vibes all around. I still like my regular workout plan of running and weight training, but I could definitely use the ass-kicking positivity of the class every now and again… My only complaint is that at the end of the hour and fifteen minutes, I was just starting to get warmed up… I would have loved to hit another round. The gym is like therapy for me… it’s where I release my “lady rage”.
I can’t thank Natalie enough for getting me out of the house today and back into my groove. The past couple weeks have been kind of crazy… we lost my kids’ grandmother {my ex’s mother} on Xmas, which I took very hard, and the holidays are crazy-stressful in and of themselves. So I really got out of my routine, which is crucial to keeping me sane. Thanks, Nati, for dragging me in to sweat it out. I feel really good for the first time in weeks.
Meet Natalie over at her blog, +plushus:

Besides being a great workout buddy, she’s a pretty talented lady with lots of really smart things to say.
the exchanging of gushing blog thanks is the key a long lasting friendship. maybe someday i’ll have a wedding blog and mention nice things about you. next time we’ll do two classes in a row!
That sounds really rad.
And “Lady Rage” makes me laugh. I’m so gonna borrow that one!