My usual position on wedding planning & decor is that I’m just not someone who ever dreamed about her wedding as a little girl, so I’m open to anything… traditional and non-traditional alike. While the latter part of that statement is true, I had totally forgotten my ultimate wedding fantasy, born in the summer of 1992 {the summer I turned 14}. I was in love with Axl Rose and obsessed with November Rain. Thank goodness both of those things have changed {shudder}. The fourteen-year-old me wanted so badly to be Stephanie Seymour in that dress… and what was most shocking about my Google search for pics of the dress was how many women TODAY want that to be their wedding dress and the lengths they would go to and price they would pay to get it.

I guess I may have been subconsciously taking a cue from Stephanie Seymour when I decided to wear a little black dress for my reception. Hopefully, mine is a better choice than her little spandex number {but really, who cares, because I LOVE it!!}.

Watching the video again to get the still for this blog entry was really fun. It brought back such a flood of memories from that summer and made me laugh about all the big ideas I used to have about growing up and how my life would be. Happily, it has turned out even better than I could have imagined. Justin is definitely an upgrade from Axl, and I’m glad I decided not to expose all my girl parts in my wedding dress {though I might if I had Stephanie Seymour’s girl parts}. I am a little disappointed that Ricky Rachtman and Slash won’t be among my wedding guests, so I’ll just have to settle for all our awesome friends and family.
And you know I couldn’t write this post without ending it with its inspiration:
At least there’s still a distinct possibility of one of our guests taking a nose-dive into our wedding cake. That would be awesome!
P.S. My apologies to the totally awesome and completely UN-TACKY Ariel, of Offbeat Bride fame. This post is really about my tacky 14-year-old self, and less about what anyone else chooses to do at their own wedding. Read her take on “tacky” by clicking here. {however, I would still contend that Axl Rose is totally tacky}
Just wanted to say hi and congrats! I really like your blog and your style. I was also obsessed with November Rain and so wanted to be Stephanie Seymour. SEcretly, I still think its a good song!