I’m not sure how I really feel about this site, and I’m not sure if I really want my guests reading most of it, but it’s good for a couple of laughs. However, the tip on passive-aggressively not sending your RSVP to intentionally irritate the bride is just really, really mean. {I solved my seating arrangement issue by making special note of guests who have not responded to their invite, but are likely to come. I gave them “phantom” spots at tables and will easily plug them in if they end up responding “yes”. We also bit the bullet and ordered a few extra favors, just in case… which was ok, because its a favor we can easily use extras of for our home.}
Now go have some fun…

Thank you for the plug! You’d love listening to my most recent web radio show ThisShowAgain.com
one of our guests talks about propsoing on the Brooklyn Bridge in episode 99.