I think the thing I’m most excited about on the actual wedding day is the photo studio we’re setting up in the lobby of the inn where the ceremony & reception are being held. We have so many fun props to get our guests in the mood including a plastic owl decoy in a hat, a cardboard deer target to help our guests say “congratulations”, and some really fun winter hats and gear. And the backdrop is so totally awesome, I can’t stand it!

I absolutely cannot wait to share the pictures with all of you… a lot of our friends are photographers, so I’m hoping they catch some great shots with Justin’s camera {that we’re supplying for all to use}.
In the whirlwind of planning {we only started in September}, I think I’ve forgotten how much fun this is really going to be. Between Justin and me and all the inspiration from the wonderful bride-to-be bloggers I’ve found, we’ve put together something so unique and special. I’m so happy we really got to put our stamp on this event. From the invitations to the bluegrass band to the favors, it’s all us… our tastes, our designs, our vision {and our seemingly countless D.I.Ourselves man-hours}.
On our last grocery trip to the ACME supermarket, we scored big-time and found two gorgeous potted Norfolk Island Pine trees for $25 each to use for our “altar” decoration. The whole altar thing was getting us really nervous, because we’re really just going to be in a big room with chairs and a fireplace. We wanted something simple and winter-y, but not xmas-y. The trees are even sprayed with a bit of glitter… adorable! I found two little owl ornaments at Target that we’re going to hang on the trees as representations of us. The sweetest part is that we can keep the trees to plant in our yard afterward… a perfect lasting symbol of our wedding day and our love.

Things are going so great and Justin has been so involved every step of the way, but I can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed by all of our still-undone projects we have planned. I’m getting the feeling with only four and a half weeks to go, that we’ll have to give up on a couple of them {namely the hand-stenciled runner}. We still have a self-portrait shoot that we’ve been planning for a while, but haven’t had the good weather or the inclination to actually get out and get it done. This is something we HAVE to do… we’re using the portraits as sort-of engagement photos to display on the guestbook table at the wedding. Photography is obviously a huge part of our lives, and we want that to show in our wedding details.
{Tip: We made a special flickr account just for our wedding photos and printed the username & password info on the back of our escort cards. This way our guests can take the cards with them and upload their own wedding pics to our account to share. Like I said before, we’re going to several pro-photog friends at the wedding, so we’re hoping to have an impressive mix of styles in our album}

All in all, I’m pretty proud of everything we’ve gotten done in only three months. Besides wedding planning, we’ve had so much going on… selling two homes, taking care of the kids, work, the holidays. Now there’s just 31 impossibly short days to go, and I couldn’t be more excited to see how this all turns out {and, of course, to finally be Mrs. Borucki!}.
I just have to remember to cherish all these wonderful moments and take the time to breathe…

crafty girl over here…if you need help.