My blogs are going to get a little sparse over the next week or so while I get ready for Xmas and work with Justin on his holiday promotions and all the studio manager work I’ve been neglecting while completely absorbed in wedding planning and blog crack. He cracked the whip this week, and we’ve been hella busy drinking lots of coffee, making lists, running errands, and working on his update for his site:

I think we got about two and a half hours of sleep last night after foolishly drinking two giant cups of coffee after 7pm and staying up until 4am talking about the wedding, watching Band of Brothers {which we’re still watching at this very moment}, and pulling our hair out trying to figure out image order on the website.
Then today we battled with the outside decorations on my house and our Xmas tree {all dried out from the rain storm we drove it around in on the roof of our car yesterday… right after we got all proud of ourselves for scoring a dry one at Lowe’s}. We’ve decided to just do a “Charlie Brown” tree for Justin’s place in Brooklyn. I really can’t wait to sell his place and buy a home of our own… together. Until then we’ll just hang at my place, feeling a lot like squatters among the packed-up boxes and empty shelves {if this confuses you, all you have to know is that we’re in the middle of a real estate buying/selling nightmare that has left us with two houses of our own, one in contract, potentially $25k lost, and a lot of packed boxes}.
So, like I said before, I’ll be very busy over the next couple weeks with “not wedding” stuff… probably a healthy distraction from my wedding OCD.
I’m just going to immerse myself in the holidays and my family…

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