I’m learning two very important things in the process of planning this DIY wedding:
1. DIY does not equal inexpensive. In fact, when you start opening your mind and creative talents to all the things that can make a wedding beautiful, “tight budget” quickly falls victim to “big ideas.”
2. DIY should have heavy emphasis placed on the word “yourself,” not yourself and your mother. Sometimes collaborative efforts can get a little combative when they involve two very opinionated and talented women in close working quarters. Nonetheless, while the process may get ugly, the result will surely be lovely.
I’ve decided to hide in the corner and only answer yes or no questions while she unleashes her magic on the centerpiece construction. In fact, I’m blogging from said corner right now. It’s really not the bad… I have a big fluffy chair and I’m only being called upon to use the wire-cutters on the big flowers and move a couple heavy boxes now and then.
I won’t show you the finished product [that’s a surprise for the big day], but I can show you some of the fun ingredients we picked up at Michael’s Crafts.

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