During the course of planning a small-wedding-turned-big, one runs into many pitfalls along the way. What I’m finding is that these pitfalls are usually the result of bad planning and/or judgement and almost always involve an emotional catalyst.
Take, for instance, my process in choosing my perfect dress… First, you have to realize that I hate shopping-all kinds. Actually, I love going to the bookstore, which is funny since I can’t tell you the what the last book I finished was that was not listened to on my iPod while running on the treadmill. I’m mostly big on travel books, gigantic organizers {wedding organizers as of late}, and autobiographies of my favorite comedians/politicians/combination thereof. So because of my complete distaste for shopping, I decided I was going to go at it online and completely on my own. I searched tirelessly through the website of high fashion designers and fancy department stores until I found five completely perfect dresses, and last night I ordered “the one”!
Then today, because I’m obviously a masochist at heart, I thought it might be fun for my girlfriend, Shannon, and I to try on some dresses at my favorite fantasy wedding dress designer’s sample sale… you know, $10,000 dresses for not $10,000. Fun! Bad idea! So here’s what happened:

I cut my head out of the picture because I was puffy faced and awful from crying after putting on the “perfect-wedding-dress-even-though-I-already-bought-the-perfect-wedding-dress-yesterday” dress. After a phone call to my older sister, Dani, who talked me down off the wedding dress ledge, I picked up and left knowing that this was just a bad emotional idea and the right dress would be arriving at my door in less than a week. And it will be perfect… and definitely not traditional, and definitely not white, and definitely all me :)

I cut my head out of the picture because I was puffy faced and awful from crying after putting on the “perfect-wedding-dress-even-though-I-already-bought-the-perfect-wedding-dress-yesterday” dress. After a phone call to my older sister, Dani, who talked me down off the wedding dress ledge, I picked up and left knowing that this was just a bad emotional idea and the right dress would be arriving at my door in less than a week. And it will be perfect… and definitely not traditional, and definitely not white, and definitely all me :)
Immediately after walking out of the doors of the very hot and badly lit boutique, I chalked the crying up to too much girl talk until 2am the night before followed by late-night sushi, four hours sleep, and a giant {excuse me, Venti} Starbucks coffee the next morning. Overhead bright lighting and the shock of seeing yourself in a wedding dress making everything seem completely imminent and imminent in not enough time to get everything done and make it flawless… *breathe*… would make any girl get a little overwhelmed and teary. And the fact that Shannon was crying, too, was no help at all.
You’ll be relieved to know that I’m all better now.
Bad Idea #2:
This story isn’t as long. It starts with Justin letting me go to pick out my ring with my sister while he was busy on a job and ends with me being able to pick up the ring by myself the next day. So now I have the ring and I swear I’m not wearing it {all the time}.
He’s threatening to take it from me until the wedding. So here’s me copping a quick try-on before it’s confiscated:

You didn’t think I would let you see it, did you?
We have many more bad ideas that we’re working on, so I’ll be sure to update you as soon as they come to fruition. We nixed the one about making our own invitations, so I was very excited to get the proof of our invitation in the mail today from the people who are hand-making them from my design. Bad idea annihilated! However, I was at my mother’s house tonight going over the final designs for my “flower-free” centerpieces and bouquets that she is making for me {I promise she’s an artist and has impeccable taste… I will have very little hand in these as I am not a girl-y-girl}. This is a very good idea that could turn bad as soon as she tries to drag me into a flower-supply store. I’ll keep you posted… the crafting fallout should be hilarious!
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